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منتدى الكرة العالمية الجديد
اهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم ونتمنى لك وقتاً سعيداً مليئاً بالحب كما يحبه الله ويرضاه
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» ** الكلمة الطيبة **
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أبريل 29, 2013 10:47 am من طرف shery adel

» سفيان فيغولي مسحور !!!
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء أبريل 24, 2013 2:07 pm من طرف Medfoot

» عبد الرزّاق حمد اللّه متألّق في النرويج
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالخميس أبريل 18, 2013 3:58 pm من طرف Medfoot

»  شاهد بالفيديو هدف رااااااائع لصابر خليفة في العملاق الباريسي
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالخميس أبريل 18, 2013 12:38 pm من طرف Medfoot

» كيف نقي أنفسنا من أشعة الشمس الضارّة فى فصل الصيف ؟
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء أبريل 16, 2013 4:22 pm من طرف shery adel

» الحب تلك الكلمة المكونة من حرفين
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالسبت أبريل 13, 2013 12:22 pm من طرف shery adel

» موضوع جميل عن الصداقة ........!
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالخميس أبريل 11, 2013 12:16 pm من طرف shery adel

» موضوع جميل عن الصداقة ........!
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالخميس أبريل 11, 2013 11:54 am من طرف shery adel

»  سفير تايدر مرغوب فيه من طرف بوروسيا دورتموند الألماني
psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء أبريل 10, 2013 1:52 pm من طرف Medfoot

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 psp go just try it

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2 مشترك
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عدد المساهمات : 16
السٌّمعَة : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/10/2010
العمر : 28
الموقع : http://www.lesromantiques.com

بطاقة الشخصية
eminem staifi :

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مُساهمةموضوع: psp go just try it   psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالسبت أكتوبر 16, 2010 5:23 pm

PSP Gopsp go just try it 250px-PSP_Go_logo.svgManufacturerProduct familyTypeGenerationRetail availabilityUnits soldMediaCPUStorage capacityMemoryDisplayController inputConnectivityOnline servicesDimensionsWeightPredecessor
psp go just try it 256px-2009_Taipei_IT_Month_Day1_Sony_PSPgo_white
A white PSPgo in an opened position.
Sony Computer Entertainment
Handheld game console

[cn 1]
Digital distribution
MIPS 333 MHz[5]
Memory Stick Micro, 16GB of internal flash memory
480 x 272 pixels with 16.8 million colours, 16:9 widescreen TFT LCD, 3.8 in (97 mm)
Sixaxis, DualShock 3 (optional)[6]
Wi-Fi 802.11b, USB 2.0 via Media Go Software, Bluetooth 3.0 + EDR, PlayStation 3
PlayStation Network
69 mm (2.7 in) (h)
128 mm (5.0 in) (w)
16.5 mm (0.65 in) (d)
158 grams (5.6 oz)
PSP-3000 (concurrent)
The PSP Go (styled PSPgo or PSP go, model PSP-N1000)[7] is a version of the PlayStation Portable handheld video game console manufactured by Sony.[8][9][10][11][12] It was released on October 1, 2009 in American and European territories[1] and on November 1 in Japan. It was revealed prior to E3 2009 through Sony's Qore VOD service.[11] Although its design is significantly different from other PSPs, it is not intended to replace the PSP 3000, which Sony will continue to manufacture, sell, and support.[9]Unlike previous PSP models, the PSP Go does not feature a UMD drive, but instead has 16GB of internal flash memory to store games, video, pictures, and other media.[12] This can be extended by up to 32GB with the use of a Memory Stick Micro (M2) flash card. Also unlike previous PSP models, the PSP Go's rechargeable battery is not removable or replaceable by the user. The unit is 43% lighter and 56% smaller than the original PSP-1000,[9] and 16% lighter and 35% smaller than the PSP-3000.[6] It has a 3.8" 480×272 LCD[13] (compared to the larger 4.3" 480×272 pixel LCD on previous PSP models).[14] The screen slides up to reveal the main controls. The overall shape and sliding mechanism are similar to that of Sony's mylo COM-2 internet device.[15]


The PSP Go features 802.11b Wi-Fi like its predecessors, but no longer uses a standard USB A-to-Mini-B cable common with many devices. A new proprietary multi-use connector is used for USB connectivity. A suitable USB cable is included with the unit. The new multi-use connector allows for charging and USB similar to previous units, but also allows video and sound output with the same connector (with optional Composite AV cable and Component AV cable), unlike previous offerings which had TV OUT functionality on a separate port to the USB port. Sony also offers an optional cradle for charging and USB data transfer on the PSP Go, similar to previous offerings.The PSP Go adds support for Bluetooth connectivity, enabling the use of compatible Bluetooth headsets and tethering with Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. This also enables users to connect and play games using a Sixaxis or DualShock 3 PlayStation 3 controller or Bluetooth Headset.[edit] Games

See also: List of downloadable PSP games
Because the PSP Go does not feature a UMD drive, games are downloaded from the PlayStation Store. While other PSP models have included the ability to run games and demos downloaded from the PlayStation Store, the PSP Go is the first for which this is the only means of distribution. The PSP Go has the demo Patapon 2 loaded onto the system and it also comes with an ESRB ratings guide, both in the internal memory in the games section. The removal of the UMD drive effectively region locks the unit due to the way in which a PSP must be linked to a single Playstation Network account. Since each account is locked to a single region, this prevents the user from ever playing games from more than one region at a time (since games from accounts other than the currently linked account cannot be started).There are three ways to access the PlayStation Store. The PSP Go can directly download to itself, or users can also download then transfer the games from a PlayStation 3 or the Media Go software on Windows based computers. All current downloadable PSP and PlayStation games available for older PSP models will be compatible with the PSP Go. Sony has also confirmed that almost all UMD based PSP games released after October 1, 2009 will be available for download,[16][17] and a majority of older UMD-only games will also be downloadable at that time.[18]Minis

A section of the PlayStation Store is available to all PS3 and PSP owners (PSP and PSP Go). These games are usually under 100MB. A variety of developers contribute to the creation of "Minis". These games are smaller, cheaper, and will be download only. These games are available in the "minis" section of the Playstation Store. Reception

Reviews of the PSPgo have been mixed. It is criticized for its pricing with Ars Technica calling it "way too expensive" and The Guardian stating that cost is the "biggest issue" facing the machine.[19][20] Engadget points out that the Go costs only $50 less than the PlayStation 3, which comes equipped with a Blu-ray player.[21] Wired points out that the older PSP 3000 model is cheaper, whilst supporting UMDs and IGN states that the $50 price increase makes it a "hard sell".[22][23] The lack of support for UMDs and the inability to transfer games bought on UMD onto the Go and the placement of the analog stick next to the d-pad has also been criticized.[19][23][24] Reviewers also commented on how the change from a mini-USB port to a proprietary port means that hardware and cables bought for previous incarnations of the PSP are not compatible.[21][25] The Go's screen has been positively received with Ars Technica calling the image "brilliant, sharp and clear", T3 state that "pictures and videos look great".[19][26] The controls have received mixed reviews with The Times describing them as "instantly familiar" whereas CNET and Stuff call the position of the analog stick "awkward".[25][27][28] The ability to use a PS3 controller was praised by the New Zealand Herald but Ars Technica criticized the need to connect the controller and Go to a PS3 for initial setup.[19][29][edit] Relaunch

In February 2010, it was revealed that Sony may re-launch the PSP Go in the future, due to the lack of consumer interest and poor sales. As of Q3 2010, the PSP Go is retailing for $250 or £224.99, and at the possible re-launch, Sony may lower the price of the PSP Go. [30] [31] In May 2010, it was revealed that Sony was now going to sell the PSP Go with ten free downloadable games in the UK. Sony began offering the free games in June 2010. The same offer was made available in Australia in July 2010. It has been revealed that Sony is also offering three free games for the PSP Go in America.[32][33][34][35] [36][edit] Development and possible successor

In 2010, a picture of a new PSP motherboard was leaked on the Internet. Analysts have speculated that this could indicate that a revised version of the PSP is in development. The motherboard is smaller than in existing models as it appears to have had some features, like the micro processing unit, removed. The picture also appears to show a modified UMD latching technology, a speculative sign that Sony may be re-adding a UMD drive for a possible successor to the PSP Go.[37] However, in May 2010, many sources across the Internet claim that the next PSP will be a download-only device like the PSP Go. It has also been rumored that the new "PSP2" will include two cameras and a touchscreen while retaining the classic PlayStation face buttons and possibly adding dual-analog thumbsticks. A release date for the console was not confirmed. [38] [38] [39] [40] [41]In Late June 2010, Sony denied claims that they are developing "3D PSP". Sony Worldwide Studios VP Scott Rohde stated that Sony "isn't ready" to announce a "PSP2" either.[42]Sony has since denied PSP2 will be download-only like PSP Go [43]
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: psp go just try it   psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 04, 2010 8:45 pm

thank you
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عدد المساهمات : 701
السٌّمعَة : 12
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/08/2010

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: psp go just try it   psp go just try it I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 10, 2010 8:35 pm

psp go just try it Thanks
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